Iced Vanilla Yerba Mate Latte with MCT
Health Benefits:
- Vegan
- Paleo
- Dairy Free
- Plant Based
- MCT health benefits
Yerba Boost - If you enjoy Yerba Mate, then make life a little easier and use Yerba Boost - Yerba Mate. Yerba Boost is a craft instant Yerba Mate powder which can be added to hot or cold water. This allows you to use it in so many different ways since it doesn't require steeping. Plus each packet of Yerba Boost is loaded with a powerhouse of antioxidants and sustained energy.
MCT - MCT is a healthy fat derived from coconuts. It boosts mental clarity and is a fantastic energy source. The addition of MCT gives this Yerba Mate Latte brain boosting power, mental clarity, and will keep you satiated throughout the day.
Milk - I used almond milk in my Yerba Mate Latte but you can substitute it for any other milk of choice. Suggestions- coconut milk, soy milk, cows milk, oat milk, etc.
Maple Syrup - I used maple syrup in this recipe because the richness of it pairs very well with the earthy, nutty flavors in the Yerba Mate. You can easily substitute it with any other liquid sweetener of choice.
Vanilla extract - I used pure vanilla extract which provided a beautiful aroma and flavor to this iced Yerba Mate Latte. It can be substituted with vanilla powder or vanilla syrup.
Change it up! Add some cocoa powder, coconut, or cinnamon to enhance this Yerba Mate Latte to fit your unique preferences.
Making Iced Vanilla Yerba Mate Latte with MCT:
Step 1: Fill glass with Ice
Step 2: Add packet of Yerba Boost - Yerba Mate
Step 3: Pour in milk of choice (we used almond milk)
Step 4: Add maple syrup, honey or any other sweetener of choice.
Step 5: Add MCT oil
Step 6: blend for 15 seconds. If you don’t have a blender, a shaker bottle can be used instead. Pour over ice- Enjoy!
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